A quickie (‘cos I’m busy) but I’ve just had an email from IBM/Lenovo saying that a replacement laptop has been authorised. Much woo, yay, and happiness right now 🙂
A quickie (‘cos I’m busy) but I’ve just had an email from IBM/Lenovo saying that a replacement laptop has been authorised. Much woo, yay, and happiness right now 🙂
My (originally rather expensive) IBM T42p laptop is still in limbo – if I heard the message left on my voicemail right, the “job failed”. What that means and how long it’ll take I have absolutely no idea, and the other gentleman who said he’d assist me has disappeared.
To be fair, the lady who’s helping me in the UK office has kept me in touch, always returned my calls, and been very pleasant and helpful but she doesn’t seem to get that much information or wield much influence 🙁
Digging through notebooks this morning I found another three IBM job numbers pertaining to it over the space of two years – there’s now 11 job references I’ve discovered between January 2005 and November 2006 not counting the complaints references. I don’t think I’m going to buy Lenovo or IBM machines again – I rejected Sony because of the build quality but this is truly abysmal and obviously I can’t trust the damn thing when I’m on an extended contract (if I’m out of the country when it goes bang, there’s little choice but to purchase another unit).
Oddly enough, almost every piece of it has now been replaced with the exception of the power supply.
Advice I’ve been given tends to go along the lines of ‘unfit for purpose’ and ‘replacement unit or refund’. I’ll give it until close of business Thursday and then talk to Trading Standards.
(…and I’ll tell you something – it’s not fun trying to develop huge database footprints on a cack old Toshiba laptop…)
To continue with the inexplicable ‘speaking Klingon’ from Saturday night, I just found a page with translations of Christmas carols in Klingon.
Not sure about the validity in translation of “This is an order: let us wear clothes in order to celebrate” though…
Incidentally, I was standing in the middle of a field when a very nice gentleman called me from a Lenovo office somewhere on the continent, and said that he’d been referred to this blog and could help me. I’ve sent him all the details (there’s 9 job references so far I’ve found for the repairs since the mobo first went on 29th June 2005) so I guess we’ll see what happens.
Meantime, I’ve been told by the UK lass that I’m not getting a replacement and instead I’m back to getting a repair, and said part won’t be available until at least next Monday.
…which is tedious, since the rest of the IBM R50e units we’ve had have been rock solid, with the exception of the PSUs running a bit hot. I’m starting to think more and more I just got a Friday-afternoon unit.
I came out of the X-ray department at Clayton Hospital (neck trouble) to find a message on my answerphone from IBM’s complaints department. Apparently, there are still problems obtaining a replacement LCD for my T42p laptop, so they’re going to try and send me a replacement – I really, really hope that if it’s the same model it’s the same chipset otherwise I’ll have the “fun” of Windows deciding it’s not got all its drivers again.
That said, if it’s better spec, I won’t be complaining!
More as I find it.
This is a whinge. If you don’t want to see me whinging, look away now.
It’s 10 days today since my IBM T42p laptop went titsup again with a screen failure – the fifth failure this year so far. Granted IBM said it would be 10 days turnaround, and they’d try and get it back to me sooner; however, given it hadn’t appeared I called for an update.
Soooo… I’ve just got off the phone to them (an 0870 number, although I called one of their 01475 numbers since 0870s cost me a fortune on my mobile). I was on hold for approximately 40 minutes after doing the hop around departments I got there (“sorry, we deal in printers… i’ll put you through” … “hi, we’re for new calls only, i’ll put you through” … etc.etc). Now I’m sure the previous umpteen times I’ve called (I lose count) I’ve had updates fine, but never mind – maybe it’s a bad day. Finally I get through to a human after almost 45 minutes.
The LCD is being replaced. Lovely, this means that they get rid of the dark patches they put there when they replaced it in May 2005 (and perhaps the LCD bezel they cracked at the same time), but apparently they’re having to obtain another LCD panel and can’t tell me at all how long it’ll be – not even a vague idea or “it’ll be a couple of weeks” so I can plan. In the meantime, I’m the busiest I’ve been in months and need a good reliable machine which has a traditional 4:3 screen ratio, decent (more than 1280×1024) resolution, and at least 1G RAM.
I’m using the Toshiba (as previously documented) with the IBM’s disk in it, but it’s still not doing me any good – it’s underpowered, and since I’m developing a database which has a footprint of 700MB my work is noticeably slower and I’ve got deadlines to meet.
The T42p cost me the thick end of £3000. I will quite honestly say that I have not had a £3000 laptop in the slightest – maybe it’s just a Friday afternoon build but so far it’s had replaced: the motherboard (twice), the LCD (four times), the hard disk (once) and the keyboard (once). I do not give my laptop that much hammer – granted it’s my main machine but this is meant to be a workhorse laptop that I, as an IT contractor who travels frequently, can rely on. I mean, come on guys, I lose money if this goes down – that’s why I get an expensive machine with a 3yr warranty (and before anyone else suggests it, I’ve experienced the onsite Lenovo repairs and after having a few visits last year with defective parts and on one occasion an engineer trying to leave me with a machine that was in a worse condition, I’m not confident enough to buy an onsite warranty). That leaves me with the sole option of buying another laptop as a ‘spare’, which is hardly an acceptable solution.
In a previous post, someone whom I presume is an IBM engineer asked me to call them and I’ve dropped them an email privately (if you didn’t get this, please drop me your contact details using this contact form – I don’t post my email address to my blog, or alternatively you can probably look it up from the current ticket of A19BY4X). I have called, been on hold a lot, and eventually filed my third complaint. Let’s see what happens now before I start to get Trading Standards involved.
Previous failure posts here, here, here… and that’s just since I started blogging. Whinge over – I’m off to get a coffee.
I’d been meaning to try my hand at making a cassoulet since I’d seen Rick Stein explore its origins on his French Odyssey programme. I’d spent a while getting various ingredients together and (although I know this isn’t something you use a recipe for) I’d decided to use Stein’s own cassoulet as a guide. So, I’d picked up ingredients from France, and soaked the beans, got the pan yada yada, and even chosen a few bottles of Lichine Premier Bordeaux 2005 (Sovex-Woltner). In it went, pretty much exactly as Stein had said to do – the only exception being the lack of earthenware pot.
Oh dear! I’m sorry to report it fell way short of expectation: I was really hoping for more taste, but frankly it was bland. I think I might try some of the real thing when we next go to France – maybe take an expedition over to Castelnaudary and make sure that it’s not just my cooking skills! Suffice to say though, I feel I will not be awarded my cassoulet hat on this occasion.
Still, the wine got drunk and so did we 🙂
This is the fifth time the laptop’s been back to IBM this year. Last year it went back twice. I’m pretty convinced that they didn’t repair it properly the first time it went back this year with a screen fault (and I got four different screen replacements in a short period because they kept sending the engineer out with panels with dead pixels, or dead cold-cathodes). As it is now, I’m using it with an external monitor so I’ve lost use of my Mac for the moment.
I phoned this morning and the reply came back “a technician will call you back in the next 48 hours”. Thanks a bundle, this isn’t why I paid extra for the decent warranty – and you didn’t actually get it fucking sorted the first time. They won’t raise a complaint either until the technician calls me back.
To say I’m annoyed is an understatement: I only hope that the spare Toshiba in the office will work with the T42p’s hard disk so at least I can take it to France and work on the ferry.
Replacement inverter arrived, and it’s not that, so off to IBM it goes putting me firmly out of reach of work unless I go buy another unit. Cocks.
Got a call from Nicky as I was leaving work to say that the Sky+ box (Pace PVR2) was stuck in standby, and a power-cycle wouldn’t fix it. Got home and after researching lots of webpages about it I eventually came upon the conclusion that the HD was shagged. Popped another few drives in there and it’s still doing the same thing, so I’m thinking it’s probably the decrypt stuff that’s gone (it successfully goes to a firmware update holding down ‘Back Up’ on poweron but times out, and also won’t do a total reset/housekeeping on the drive).
Anyway, I’ve nabbed another Pace from eBay, a PVR3 in this case, and we’ll see what that brings. I’ll also haul down the spare old Amstrad Sky box from the loft – it should work with the Sky+ card as it stands to get the FTA channels.
I’m working on a project at the moment which is keyed around users, and has a lot of foreign keys linking across various tables. This particular incarnation isn’t in production yet, and I’m writing an import tool to bring in stuff from the old database into the new one. As part of this, I need to delete the data fairly regularly in the “test” system.
So, I go:
And wait… and wait…
Five minutes later (during which time the hard disk light is solidly lit) I realise what it’s up to – there’s about 20 foreign keys resting on the users table, and it’s dropping pretty much the whole database. Ook.
Apple are offering a free trial of Aperture 1.5. Fill out the form and get a serial valid for 30 days. Cor.
Elite is one of the few games I still play (under a BBC Micro emulator, natch). Maulkin just pointed me at an arcade cabinet version. That utterly rocks.
As predicted ad nauseum over the ‘Net during the past week, Firefox 2.0 is out.
I installed it on my desktop at home, which is powered up pretty much 24/7 and hasn’t had Firefox restarted in probably a month or so. It took it about 5 minutes just to clear the damn cache for a restart, but it’s running now and we’ll see how it goes; there isn’t a version of the ‘View Formatted Source’ plugin but as long as I’ve got the Web Developer toolbar that’s fine 🙂
European importer of .jp-related consumer electronics Lik Sang has been forced to close down by Sony. There’s an announcement on the site as well as foo on Slashdot.
Whether you agree with it or not, this is really bloody annoying – they supplied us with our dance mat and interface for use with Stepmania and did sterling service.
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