Blackberry Ice-cream

* 250ml whipping cream
* 6 egg yolks (freeze the egg whites for next time you make meringues)
* 150g golden caster sugar
* 1 x 284ml carton buttermilk
* 2 punnets blackberries

1. Heat the cream to just below simmering and whisk the egg yolks with
100g of the sugar. Whisk in the cream and pour the mix into a clean pan.
Stir over a low heat until the mixture thickens. Don’t let it get too
hot or the eggs will scramble. Sieve into a bowl and cool. Stir in the

2. Heat the blackberries with the remaining sugar until the juice starts
to run out. Whizz in blender and sieve (I’ve had some good results
passing through muslin at this stage). Stir into the cream mixture and
churn or freeze until thick.

Adding cassis needs to be done in stage 2 so the alcohol boils off,
although it is possible to create ‘pockets’ of cassis by churning until
thick but not frozen, and using a spatula to stir in some cassis.