What Jessie Did Next...

...being the inane ramblings of a mundane Yorkshire bird.

Page 21 of 26

So, now I’ve got your attention with the subject line (and how many of you were thinking rude things when you saw it?) I’ve got a favour to ask.

This ‘ere Zimki app I did needs a bit more testing – the techie chaps reckon that they’ve sorted the proxy error out but it does need a poke or three.

Can you please go to rssfoo, tap in a search term, and let me know if you get network timeouts or anything please? It’s usually an alert box that comes up saying ‘object error’ or somesuch. If I’ve got no reports, I’ll assume it’s fixed.

Ta – there’ll be a better update from me hopefully tonight, but right now I’m up to my ears in work…!

Yesterday I fired off an email to Kate Taylor, who’s one of our most prominent local historians and has been quoted as the voice of the Civic Society. Her response regarding the relief sculptures on the side of Sun Lane Baths:

“As I understand it, the local authority has had a cast made from the sculpture. But I also understood that they were trying to save the original.”

(Article from Wakefield Express including a pic here).

If a cast has been taken, I’d have expected more paint to have been lifted than in this picture. Either way it sounds like some reneging has gone on: I’ll make a few more enquiries.

I’m hacking on a feed reader sort of thing right now, and experimenting with parallel feed fetching. I’ve spent a few hours this afternoon trying to find a perl-based feed reader module that will do RSS2.0 and Atom, and failure has dogged me in my travels. I’m not so bothered about the RSS2.0 stuff since I already have that covered, but I can’t find anything which will sensibly do Atom and has some reasonable documentation (the latter being probably where most things are failing right now).

Tried (so far): XML::Atom, XML::FeedLite, XML::RSS::FromAtom, XML::Atom::Syndication. Any others?

Well, yesterday I received an unexpected call from another Lenovo person I’d not yet come across, saying that although they were having problems sourcing laptops he’d got me a list to choose from of available models. So I’ve made a choice, and been told it’ll be here in 15 days. I must admit, it’d be nice to put an end to the whole tale!

So, watch this space…

At the suggestion of a couple of colleagues this morning I set up an unofficial forum for the Zimki platform primarily aimed at developers using it who require peer support, and also to create a Google-able knowledge base.

It’s not aimed as a replacement for Zimki support I hasten to add, but as an assistance for those who code at 3am and want to know an answer nownownownownow.

Feel free to go poke – it’s a bit sparse right now but I’m sure it’ll flesh out!

I pestered a few people I had email addresses for at IBM Lenovo yesterday, and finally got a reply from the original chap who I was dealing with in December – they’re having trouble sourcing me a replacement laptop (!) but the general message was still “yes we’re working on it, watch this space”. So, no real news but it’s still in progress at least.

With any luck I’ll win a MacBook Pro and then the world will be a better place.

A bit of a short space of time before an update, but thanks to the folks who’ve tested rssfoo a bit for me – I’ve made a few tweaks to the way it does cache management and now I need to leave it for another few hours for it to repopulate and settle down.

I suppose I’d better do some real work now… 😛

Right, the link for the application i’ve been doing in the Zimki framework is here.

If you guys come up with any errors while using it (I’m looking particularly for ‘mocha’ timeout errors which pop up in an alert box) please can you note the date/time to GMT so I can research it in the error log? Would help me lots.

Over the past few days I’ve been fiddling around with a framework called Zimki. In principle it’s a pretty neat idea – a Javascript server-side thingy, which also includes some neat libraries to do stuff like captcha, as well as decent XML support. While it’s a bit lean on the documentation side a lot of the functions and principles can be derived from various books on Javascript and the E4X stuff that Fuse supports.

The result of my own fiddlings and learnings are in a web2.0 application which searches a list of RSS feeds for text, so you can find (say) all the stuff about Richard Hammond without waiting for Google Blog Search or Google News to pick it up. I think it’s not too bad, but it needs more typical web 2.0 widgetery really 🙂

(I’ve removed the link, since I’m not sure if it being used is causing a slowdown or if it’s Zimki itself or what – I’m still learning to use this :P)

I’m finding myself with a few spare hours a week again, so I’m touting round the agencies for work. Last Friday, I went to see someone in Huddersfield with a view to helping their extranet system. The vacancy title was ‘Web Developer with a bit of Sysadminery’, so I was put forward and pretty much got an interview straight away.

The interview started off OK, and they already had a copy of my CV, so were pretty savvy about my background and where my strengths were. The first half hour passed with ‘can you set up a webmail service’, ‘what security methods might you use to prevent data loss’, etc. Usual stuff for sysadmin foo, but it did feel a bit strange there were no programming questions – after all, the agent had said that PHP and MySQL would be involved.

About 35 minutes in, they said “So, you can build web sites?”
“Yes,” says I. “But I’m not a designer, I’m a developer – I write PHP, and someone else puts a lick of paint on it.”
“Oh! We wanted a designer…”

It turns out they’d already got a programmer who would write the PHP, and a sysadmin who would install stuff. They just wanted to pay someone to shift something x pixels to the left, or fix the way the float worked. That’s it.

This is not the first time I’ve come across this, and I’m sure it won’t be the last – but please for Pete’s sake, I wish the agencies would do their bloody jobs and realise what the role entails. After all, they’re the ones creaming off a share for doing sod all!

Yet another friend enquired today as to whether IBM had made good on my broken IBM T42p laptop as they’re considering buying a Lenovo unit, so I figured it was time for an update to explain where we’re at; to be fair, I’ve kept quiet because I thought it was resolved, but read on…

It’s a month now since I was promised a replacement laptop by a gentleman at Lenovo, but sadly just as we were at the home stretch they’ve gone silent on me. Last I heard was that “documents had been submitted” and that “the process still needs to run through a distributor so I cannot make any firm commitments as to when the machine will be delivered”. So that’s alright then.

My (not very well) T42p arrived back at Wrenthorpe on 22nd December. To be fair, the screen had been replaced, but even as I powered it up to retrieve data from it in preparation for the new machine (as advised) it was starting to… well, it’s odd, it just goes very slow and occasionally seizes, and sometimes doesn’t boot at all. In any case, it’s still shagged, but I’ve not reported it as a fault yet because I was meant to be getting this replacement T43p machine and send the broken laptop back and everything would be happy and we’d all be relaxed. It even got to the stage of a disclaimer saying that “receiving the replacement unit would be in full and final settlement of any problem I had with Lenovo/IBM, but they weren’t admitting responsibility for giving me a problem unit”.

So, either there’s a shortage of T43p laptops, my emails are disappearing in transit, or some backpedalling has been done. Either way it would be courteous to at least let me know, but I think my emails are now being ignored. Should I just report this one as a busted unit again and go through the whole ’10-working-days-no-really-maybe-it’ll-be-longer-not-got-the-parts-in-guv’ charade, because after all I didn’t really want a reliable laptop did I? No, that’s why I spent so much hard-earned cash on it. It’s like dealing with DSG warranty repairs, only… worse.

Just in case anyone out there in IBM Lenovo-land gives a toss, the complaint ticket for the replacement is UB7845.

(Yes, I’m annoyed. More so at the radio silence than anything else.)

It’s been a day or two since I did the big email migration to IMAP, and a few little bits and bobs of foibles are starting to pop out of the woodwork; so, here for Google to index and other people to find, are the few things I’ve noticed:

  • Some Eudora mail using the Eudora-specific tag <x-flowed> hasn’t ported properly – most noticeably the stuff which is from me (ie. things which have been in the outbox). Eudora Rescue has an option to sort this out but it hasn’t made any difference, it seems (I tested it on another box just to make sure).
  • In converting the mailbox formats to maildir, mb2md has created full trees instead of just maildir boxes with mail in. Thus, if I’ve had a structure where I’ve got “Personal -> Friends -> Dave” where I filter all email from Dave, it’s actually put the email from Dave in both Friends and Personal as well (duplicating it). To fix, I deleted “Maildir/.Personal.Friends” and “Maildir/.Personal” which enabled other IMAP applications to see these two as folders, not combined folder-and-mailboxes (which appears to confuse Mulberry sometimes when moving things around).
  • Mulberry itself has a failing in that it can’t render images in-line (it does style HTML, but not very well). This is a bit of a bugger, and I’d been recommended I also try Gyazmail on the Mac: while this does do full HTML and images in the mailer, it doesn’t allow multiple email addresses tied to a single account – thus I’ve rejected it as not meeting my needs.

I’ll post more if I notice anything else 🙂

Ever since I started using Unix systems in the late 80s I’ve used mbox-based email clients: I started out with mail and mailx on an HP9000, then discovered elm at University; after a brief foray with Netscape Communicator I settled on Eudora which stayed with me for many years. It got to the stage late last year where I was regularly checking 14 POP3 boxes, with another 12 being irregularly checked when I had a spare few hours to deal with things like maillists, bounces, and administrivia. Add to that the whinge that actually I sometimes don’t want to be checking mailboxes all the time (such as when I’m on client sites) coupled with a requirement to have mail clients on several machines, and it became blatantly clear that I needed an alternative solution.

So, I spent a few hours over December looking at other solutions, and eventually settled on dumping all my mailboxes in favour of a separate IMAP server with exim, and a client which would be cross-platform: Mulberry.

Setting up the IMAP box has been relatively easy, save for the learning curve involved in moving from Slackware Linux to Debian Etch (my reasons for that will be posted at a later date once I’m more comfortable and can post the pros and cons of such a move). The hardest bit has been converting over 16 years of stored email in Eudora to a format which can be understood by an IMAP server (courier-imap in this case).

For those of you who don’t know Eudora, it stores email in a sort-of bastardised mbox format, with any extended indexing and status data in a TOC file which although closed-format has been reverse engineered to a certain degree. I spent a night or two trying to parse this and finding bits and bobs on the Internet (including some Python scripts which do stuff with old versions up to Windows v5) before Lisa pointed me at Eudora Mailbox Cleaner which, although a classic Mac app I could run with Rosetta, wouldn’t do what I wanted it to with my Windows installation. However, linked from there is Eudora Rescue which happily parsed my entire Eudora mail directory and spat it out elsewhere in a format which I could do something with. Hurrah! So far so good.

So, the next step was to port the lot into a Maildir format, and David had already pointed me at mb2md which not only converts mbox to Maildir, it also preserves all the nice Status headers which Eudora Rescue has added. All that needed to be done was to remove “.mbx” and “.toc” file extensions before running it through mb2md.

It all went without a hitch. Perfect.

Now the biggest pain in the bum is converting all my filters to exim’s filter format for server-side filtering, but I’m pleased to say that it’s going reasonably well and works fine on Mac, Windows and Linux – and it’s another stage passed in the port away from Windows for day-to-day stuff.

Today has been my first proper day trying to use the MacMini as a development environment in my day-to-day work, and I’m extremely pleased to say it’s going well – php5+mysql5 (courtesy of macports.org) seems to be quite happy, and port forwarding is helping me use it remotely. In fact, I’m so impressed that I think I may have to change my laptop to a MacBook Pro if this continues (I don’t think Nicky quite banked on that when she bought me the Mini!).

The one sole sticking point is that the default filesystem installed on the Mac (HFS+) is case-insensitive. One client’s code repository had two files in it named fooBar.jpg and the other foobar.jpg, so that the case insensitivity screwed it up when I was checking out the code; therefore, if I end up changing the laptop I think I’ll have to change the filesystem type and sort that out before I start working seriously with it.

Of course, before I do that I’d better backport almost 10 years of email onto an IMAP server and find a decent Mac mail client – pity Mulberry went titsup and has an uncertain future (although there are downloads still), I quite liked the look of that.

On the subject of laptops, Lenovo have done all the paperwork to get me a complete brand new replacement T43p which is the closest specification to my T42p that they can lay their hands on; however I’ve had my T42p shipped back so I can transfer files when it arrives. Fingers crossed it won’t be too long – lack of a decent reliable laptop is starting to grow wearing.

I’ve updated my recipe archive with yesterday’s creations of Seafood Cocktail and home-made Marie Rose sauce and Christmas pudding.


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