What Jessie Did Next...

...being the inane ramblings of a mundane Yorkshire bird.

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Just been informed of BarCampSheffield, taking place on 26th/27th May 2007.

From the wiki page:

BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees.

Sounds good. I’ve registered my interest.

I’d noticed recently that whenever I saved something from Firefox on the Mac, it’d pop up an empty download manager and put an oddly named file on my desktop (for instance, ‘f837fed.exe’). I wondered if this might be something odd with an extension, or even worse did I have a trojan somewhere (but this is a Mac, can’t be one of them!).

I got a bit peed off with it today and finally got to the bottom of it after attempting a fresh install (which didn’t work). It turns out that if you delete the directory where Firefox puts its downloads, it’ll go a bit mental and spew weird partially-downloaded files onto your desktop; there’s something on the Mozilla lists about it here.

The solution isn’t a reinstall, but instead ignore what it says in Firefox’s Preferences->Main screen and re-set your “Save files to…” directory to be the desktop. Lo and behold, it started working fine, I can drag-and-drop images back into Photoshop, and the world’s a better place.

So, on Wednesday the replacement Thinkpad T60 finally arrived from Lenovo, almost 3 months after they first promised it. It’s a nice piece of kit – or at least it would be if it was working. Yes dear reader, you saw that right: it’s fucking bricked itself.

This afternoon Nicky was using it (less than 2 days’ full use), and we got a blue screen with:

***Hardware Malfunction
NMI: Parity check / Memory Parity Error.

Neil took a photo and I guess it’s not well at all – something I was getting concerned about when it wouldn’t wake up from sleep during installation of apps on Thursday evening.

It’s a brand new unit, manufactured on 10th March in China, still running factory-installed OS (Windows XP Pro SP2). I guess we see what Lenovo/IBM do now… I hadn’t even had chance to send them back the busted T42p. Just a good job really it’s no longer my principal machine – the MacBook Pro is being fine for me nowadays and the T60’s going to be used by Nicky to replace her R50e.

(Previous blog entries here).

One of the companies I contract with are desperate for a php5 developer to work on a contract basis (for the next 2-3 weeks at least, probably into May ’07 as well) at their office in Leeds.

They’re not a bad lot – if you’re interested, you need to be an absolute expert on object-oriented php5, be able to document and format your code properly (preferably to phpDocumentor standards) and have a good commercial track record. This involves working with blue-chip clients mostly on existing projects which need maintenance, so you’ve got to hit the ground running. You can sometimes be working on 3-4 different projects in any one day, so ability to multi-task is essential. All candidates will be asked to submit a structure-only mysqldump of something they’ve worked on, and a chunk of example php5 code.

The bloke who’s doing the recruiting is Colin Roets at Ripe Design – email colin@ripe.co.uk.

Please, if you’re an agent, don’t bother getting in touch unless you can really fulfil this – we’re getting too much crap from agencies sending through bedroom coders as it is.

John Backus – he of Backus-Naur Form – has died. He led the team which created the Fortran language at IBM to run on IBM 704 machines.

Obituary here. People who have this much influence on modern computing shouldn’t be forgotten.


1 row in set (4 hours 46 min 56.26 sec)

That’s, er, a Core 2 Duo box running a database that’s way too big for the RAM it’s got 😛

This morning I couldn’t sleep, so got up to sort a few things out – one of those needed Thomas Boutell’s GD library which I don’t have installed on the MBP. I’ve had a bit of hassle sorting it out so this is pretty much Google-bait for those who have had the same problem and are looking for a resolution.

There’s an installation in macports.org, under gd2-nox11. This installs the libraries, but perl has a problem getting its own GD.pm installed via CPAN:

Running make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl “-MExtUtils::Command::MM” “-e” “test_harness(0, ‘blib/lib’, ‘blib/arch’)” t/*.t
t/GD……….Can’t load ‘./blib/arch/auto/GD/GD.bundle’ for module GD: dlopen(./blib/arch/auto/GD/GD.bundle, 2): Symbol not found: _libiconv_close
Referenced from: /opt/local/lib/libgd.2.dylib
Expected in: flat namespace
at t/GD.t line 14
Compilation failed in require at t/GD.t line 14.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at t/GD.t line 14.
Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-12
Failed 12/12 tests, 0.00% okay

A bit of digging turned up that Macports GD2 port has a broken gdlib-config, which confuses matters and makes sure iconv can’t be found. This was causing make test to fail, meaning GD.pm itself was useless.


  1. Install the macports.org port of GD2:
    sudo port install gd2-nox11
  2. Download the GD CPAN module.
  3. Build the makefile with perl Makefile.PL
  4. Now edit the Makefile (not Makefile.PL) to add the following to EXTRALIBS and LDLOADLIBS:
    -L/opt/local/lib -liconv
  5. Now build with:
  6. Now test (optional):
    make test

    At this point the following command shouldn’t give you any errors – if it does, the gdlib-config bug isn’t the problem!

  7. No bugs? Install it:
    sudo make install
  8. Job done – make a cup of tea

Thanks to Pascal’s Phase of Matter blog and this thread on Usenet for pointing me in the right direction.

In the world of IT contracting, I do a lot of picking-up-pieces – I rarely get a chance to start a project from scratch, and when I do it’s something I’ve instigated because the previous incarnation is beyond salvation. It’s frustrating in a lot of ways, and I see some horrible hacks – some of which don’t even pass the lint test.

Today is one such afternoon, but with a twist. The code I’m making an attempt to maintain is something I began writing mid-2006, as a replacement for another hacked project. I was dropped from the project in favour of a permie, but the code was documented and in really quite a nice state of maintainability. Now fast-forward to the permie having left to go back to his old job and leaving behind an absolute mess. He’d just not ‘got’ the philosophy of the code, and ignored the boss’s requests to maintain the code in the house style. There are hardcoded email addresses, lack of comments, lack of indentation, and a heady mix of reliance on code from other projects (which, incidentally, shares across multiple projects – dare you change anything?).

I’m not saying I’m perfect – a friend recently pulled me up on forgetting to check whether a query had completed successfully, among other things. But… is there no pride in development work any more, or is it a case of ‘I’m a contractor, get me out of here and hang the consequences’?


Today’s the first day using the MacBook Pro, and leaving the IBM at home. This now means that I’m working 100% on the MacBook, the backups are working, and I’ve got access to the applications I need. Some interesting notes on issues/niceties I’ve discovered so far…

Parallels: I’ve found Parallels to be excellent so far: along the same lines as VMware, it’s a virtual machine thingy so you can run a copy of Windows under OS X alongside your other Mac applications. There’s still the little matter that I have to deal with IE6 bugs, and I’ve still not found an OS X replacement for EMS MySQL Manager, so this is proving indispensable: on top of that I can configure some good sandbox justice, enabling me to see what sites look like in IE6, IE7, and under Linux as well as on the Mac itself. I really like how it puts icons for each Windows start-bar process on your Apple task bar too.

LogicExpress: I had a bit of fun with Logic Express last night. I’ve acquired a MidiSport 4×4 and connected it to the Minidisc mixing desk, with the aim of starting to convert the MD-Data masters from the Cheese Factory. After I’d got my head a bit more around how Logic processes things, I switched on MTC and managed to get it talking – woo! Sadly that was the point it went pear-shaped: Logic failed to record anything, crashed, and lost my session. Repeatedly. I think I’ll probably wait until I’ve got some peace and a few clear hours until I try it again 🙁

Palm Desktop: Calendaring is pretty important to me, and I’m very much ingrained in use of my Palm T|X. A killer app for me on Windows was their Palm Desktop product which pretty seamlessly integrates with the PDA itself, but I was quite annoyed to find that the OS X version wasn’t as mature as its Windows counterpart. Additionally, the version for download on Palm’s own site is 4.2.1, whereas my year-old installation CD has 4.2.2 on it! It’s a bit odd and crashes occasionally, and doesn’t have as many features as the Windows one; however it’s passable and beats iCal, which (for instance) doesn’t seem to retain categories properly.

That’s it so far. Probably more soon, but head’s a bit fuzzy right now thanks to the man-flu epidemic.

I’d been intending to do it all along: the arrival of the MacBook Pro had simply speeded the process up, but for about 6 months I’ve been gradually leaning towards having a Mac as my principal desktop.

This isn’t a thing to be taken lightly. I’m a contractor and as I’ve said a lot, I need to hit the ground running. Sometimes I’ll have less than 4 weeks to do a task that should be scheduled for 6 months, and so I need to be exceedingly confident using the tools of the trade – namely, my computer. So it was with a little bit of anxiety that I finally decided to try and use the MacBook in work, properly, and without needing to use the T42p.

How did it go? Well, day #1 was pretty good. I’d installed most of what I thought I might need – stuff like Zend Studio and Photoshop as well as staples such as Firefox. I only really need ssh on top of that lot and I’m fine.

Thanks to Macports I’ve got the MacBook set up to be a full sandbox – php5, mysql5 and of course apache are all installed. I’m working within subversion and it’s a real pleasure not to have to reboot all the time to get to applications such as Office and Photoshop! Then I’ve managed to get Parallels working, so I have a Windows 2000 desktop just in case I need to test IE. Very fine.

Irritations so far: mostly keyboard-related, which could be solved with a proper Apple keyboard rather than using my mobile USB one; the trackpad is a bit annoying but I’ve been taking my Mighty Mouse with me so that’s circumventable; I’m still getting used to OS X in terms of setting things to start up on boot but that’s easy since it’s BSD at the core; Printers crashed today when the Bonjour service was being a bit nosey.

Other than that, fine. No, you can’t have it, I’m happy with it.

I’m typing this on my new MBP. It’s lovely, although it’ll take me a bit to get used to the keyboard, and I want a wireless Mighty Mouse for it. Mmmmmmm yeah.

OK, I’ll admit this first – I’m not a Virgin/NTL customer: I’ve got Sky+ and I’m reasonably OK with it (in the context of televisual services which are encoded at a horrendously low bitrate that sometimes you think you might be watching a Real stream online).

However, reading the various reports that Sky have dropped Virgin’s feed for Sky 1, Sky News, etc. I can’t help thinking that this is degenerating into playground insults; not on the side of Sky but by Virgin, renaming channels and accusing Sky publicly of taking their ball home.

For example, I’d have had more respect for Virgin if they hadn’t renamed one of the channels to “Sky Snooze” – more about that on DigitalSpy.

Bloody silly, really.

Paramount confirmed late yesterday that Star Trek XI’s release date will be Christmas Day 2008, with JJ Abrams (he of the recent Mission Impossible 3 film, Lost and Alias) in the director’s chair.

Rumour redux: prequel (rumour reinforced by the spoiler poster) and no cast announced yet (but plenty of talk about Matt Damon doing Kirk and Adrien Brody as Spock).

I really hope they don’t fuck it up.

Cor, I won second prize in the Zimki competition, for rssfoo. To say I’m pleased is an understatement, cos I’m usually Mr Never-Win-A-Bloody-Thing.

There’s some nice comments from the judges which I’ve been told will be posted to the Zimki blog, mostly talking about performance and speed.

Edit: The results are now official and the Zimki page about it is here. Sounds like the winner was well-deserved (couldn’t really afford the time off for Etech anyway), and nice to see Maulkin won a Mac Mini as well.

One of the pieces of kit which goes everywhere with me is my 3rd-generation iPod. Bought by my wife and friends for my 30th birthday (you do the math on how old it is) it’s constantly charged, discharged, bumped and clonked. It’s got almost all of its 40G of disk full of tunes which help me work, sleep and play. Sadly, of late it has managed to last less than 20 minutes before requiring a charge, meaning I either have to play it through the computer or I have to lug the charger around with me too.

So, aware that I was working in Leeds this week, I thought I’d nip to the KRCS Apple dealership up near the Merrion Centre which (last I looked) sold iPod batteries suitable for my particular model. Sadly this time round they didn’t, and weren’t sure if they might get some in by the end of the week or not.

Lucky for me an acquaintance had been through this themselves and pointed me at iPodDoctor.co.uk, who for the princely sum of £18.50 could furnish me with not only a battery, but the tools and instructions to carry out the operation, and throw Special Delivery postage in as well. Bonus! From a Monday afternoon order it arrived on Tuesday morning and so, post-client-meeting, I carried out the operation in a spare moment.

It went smoothly, took less than 10 minutes, and I’m very pleased with the results. Although I wouldn’t recommend it for the faint-hearted, anyone with a bit of technical nouse and who can stomach delicately pulling their beloved iPod apart can do this. They even provide the tools, just follow the instructions carefully.

Definitely recommended.

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