What Jessie Did Next...

...being the inane ramblings of a mundane Yorkshire bird.

Page 19 of 26

Yesterday we bought Nicky a new MacBook Pro, and she still needs at least some semblance of a Windows installation in order to run the Inland Revenue PAYE software. I’ve had reasonable experiences with Parallels in the past and KRCS were offering a free copy with every MacBook purchased.

Right at this point in time, I’ve been battling installation. The usual trick is to blame Windows when it dies, but actually on this occasion it’s Parallels itself – specifically build 4128 of Parallels 3. It’s caused a kernel panic (leading me to erroneously believe the RAM was duff), and can be crashed almost on demand by using an ActiveX control within IE (meaning no Windows Update).

There are lots of references to it by looking on Google (indeed, this is the particular crash I’ve been experiencing). There’s been no real word from the Parallels guys on when it’ll be fixed, so I would recommend staying away from Parallels 3 until it’s been sorted out – because right now it’s next to useless.

After yesterday’s torrential rain, Westgate Beck overflowed in town causing mayhem – at one point most of the arterial routes into the city were closed thanks to standing water. I was suffering some ennui so got in the car and went to take some photos; I mostly seem to take pics of the kids so it was an opportunity. As it was, I bumped into an old school friend I’d not seen in many years whose parents’ house had been a victim of the water.

It wasn’t just Westgate End which had suffered (and goodness knows what damage will have been done to St Michaels Church), but also Thornes and up towards Denby Dale Road. There’s a visible tide mark of foliage, sediment and rubbish around the high water-mark up the junction of Horbury Road and Dewsbury Road.

Photos are here.

Now, it’s not often I’ll post something that passes by my plethora of RSS feeds, but this one caught my eye on 456bereastreet (original article here).

It’s an article discussing Chris Heilmann’s Business Case for Web Standards Wiki, a resource for those attempting to justify using web standards in the workplace, with links to decent reports to state your case.

For the record: in my experience the most common reason for not implementing decent standards seems to be between “we can’t hire enough people who understand web standards and we don’t want all our staff to have to learn to do their jobs”, and “who cares if it´s full of crap as long most people can read it?”.

I’ve occasionally posted about Zimki, the Javascript-based server framework with the concept of paying for usage credits rather than hosting the IDE and production environment yourself. Avid readers may remember previous posts on the subject, and winning a competition using the framework.

Anyway, yesterday one of the staff posted what sounds like a hiatus on the Zimki blog. I suspect now the company is pending a profitability/viability review by Canon, and everything will be in a maintenance state until then (some might ask what Canon are doing with a hosted application company anyway, but let’s ignore that difficult question for a few paragraphs).

This in my opinion is quite a sad turn of events. True, the platform is slow and seems to be underspecified server-side, there are minor annoyances/niggles, and the documentation leaves something to be desired – but it’s not actually a bad concept which with a bit of work could take off pretty well.

I’ll probably still look in on Zimki occasionally, but I haven’t had the time or impetus to investigate anything new they’ve done with it in the past few months beyond reading the occasional blog posting. Add to that the lack of further development, and I think it’d take some serious consideration if you were going to put all your business eggs in their basket – especially since the plan to open-source the platform has all but evaporated.

I’m not alone in this: while looking for further info I came upon another developer stating that he’ll not spend any more time on it – something which Zimki can ill afford to lose given how few developers and commercial entities seem to be actually using it in anger despite another developer contest. Discussion on the unofficial Zimki forum I set up some time back is sparse at best.

If Canon do want to get rid of it, putting it on hiatus may well demolish what interest the developers have, and erode the commercial confidence of the beancounters – rendering it almost worthless.

Couriers have collected the last T60, and my ill T42p. This now means I have no more laptops. Hopefully things will run a little faster now it’s in the hands of the paperwork bods but I’m not holding my breath.

During my wanderings in Horbury I sometimes drop in to Rickaro Books, a sort-of Siamese triplet comprising antique books, new mainstream stuff, and local publications. A few weeks ago while browsing I happened upon a copy of Once A Doctor by now-retired Chapelthorpe GP Ron Mulroy, and curiosity got the better of me – I lived in Crigglestone (covered by the Chapelthorpe surgery) for some years, but never saw the chap (it would probably spoil the book for me too, although apparently he treated my Great-Grandmother Atkinson according to my Grandmother).

It’s a good, gentle tome, chock full of anecdotes and tales regarding (among others) mayonnaise, an itinerant ECG machine, delivering a baby in a caravan, a dead stranger on a sofa, patient responses, collapsing beds, hypochondria and whatever-the-opposite-of-hypochondria-is. It’s not really a complete novel but more a series of essays, but it’s good bedtime or bathtime reading and well worth the 10 quid. That said, you might not ‘get it’ if you’re not from Oop North.

Come to think of it, the only complaint I have is that it seems to have been proofread by monkeys, with missing full-stops at the ends of paragraphs and in one case almost a third of a page missing (the tale merrily continues half-way through on the following page). However, I suspect these will be corrected in a reprint.

(Incidentally, I found an article on retirement by him – click here if you want to read it and discover his writing style).

Edit: Physician, heal thyself. I should have proofread my own article for the typos. Sorry.

The IBM/Lenovo mess moved a step on today, with communication from Lenovo to pick up the remaining broken T60, and Insight to pick up the original T42p.

Hopefully things will move on at a reasonable pace now and we can get an end to it all.

As reported, yesterday I went up to Stanley Ferry for the Wakefield RISC OS show where I was holding a stand to clear out a lot of the 8-bit stuff in the loft. Our aging Citroen Picasso was bulging with goodies for the 8-bit enthusiasts including some really weird, odd and wonderful items. I arrived around 9am and started to set up, Chris and co from WROCC being good enough to find me a small extra table so hardly anything needed to be on the floor.

Once I’d set up, it was pretty evident that there was a huge amount of interest. The show opened at 10:30am, and by 11am I’d sold five of the Beebs and pretty much all of the cheese wedges. It felt good being the ‘voice of expertise’ there, helping folks with hints on how to get their old 8-bit kit up and running, and for a change being able to say things like ‘it’s probably the 7438 that’s gone in the DFS, here it is on this board – it’ll be that one’ – remembering early copies of The Micro User where they had that cartoon touting the help desk at the Alexandra Palace show.

I was sited next to the charity stall who passed over 8-bit kit as it arrived so we could say ‘yep it’s worth something’ or ‘no that can go in paper collection at the end of the day’: I even managed to acquire an external Master 512 Turbo to have a fiddle with (my only purchase, save for a bacon sarnie and a pint of Coke).

I’d got a full Beeb setup going as a draw for punters – it started out with a demo on there, but the disk was a bit flakey so I shifted to a copy of James Lawson’s random sentence generator. Thankfully about an hour later a copy of Elite surfaced on the charity stall, thus I booted that up and folks were sitting for 5 minutes attempting to dock or battle in space – great fun, and a good draw for the crowds! Even the young lad helping on the charity stall had a go, and got pretty good by the end of the day when we lost power to the stand.

Sadly, it was so busy I didn’t really get a chance to have a proper poke around the show. That said, I was piqued by Virtual RiscPC for the Mac which is unfortunately not available for Intel architecture (or I’d have bought a copy). When quizzed I got the impression I’d caught the gentleman on the stand pretty late on in the day – maybe he’d been asked that question way too many times already!

The show itself was really good – I enjoyed it. Thumbs up to the WROCC chaps who did it and I’m looking forward to next year when I may hold a stand again. By the end of the day I’d got about a third of the stuff left which will end up on eBay, and it all fit in the boot rather than having to put the seats down.

Photos are here.

Dear chaps,

One of my more recent contracts is implementing software which talks to a number of telephony companies. This is after all the age of so-called web2.0, thus I think that having an API I can talk to isn’t asking too much.

Therefore, please can I request that:

  1. You drag your arse into the 21st century and get rid of the FTP job drop-directory. I worked with this sort of crap using DJCICS in 1994 and it wasn’t any fun then either.
  2. You learn to speak English when writing error messages I need to parse. Really. (Hint: it’s ‘entered’, not ‘enterred’.)
  3. When you do implement something using ebXML, you maybe want to make sure that your example ebXML validates against your own schema before releasing it.
  4. Maybe you’d like to provide a test environment too. Something like Datacash provide for their PSP services, where you get defined responses for some things and undefined responses for others. That way I can avoid disconnecting my boss’s line, or waiting for real-world cases before I can test software.
  5. You don’t move the sodding goalposts and change the way something works without announcing it.

That way, I might be able to get out of here without any more grey hairs today.

Love and kisses,


On my online travels this morning I came across Things To Make And Do, a hobbyist geek site which will be of interest to anyone who owns a soldering iron. Among some of the projects here are LED controllers, blow-up Smarties, and a USB fibre-optic turd.

Time to go see if I’ve got any solder left…

On one site I’m fiddling with right now, I’ve thought that using rounded corners on boxes would look good. A while back I stumbled upon Nifty Corners Cube which I decided to use today and it’s taken me approximately 10 minutes in a lunch hour to sort. Yeah it needs javascript and css, but it degrades gracefully.

There’s one big gotcha – if you use colour names anywhere in your CSS (eg. ‘white’ instead of ‘#ffffff’) then IE barfs on it. With it working fine in everything else then I’m tempted to say it’s an IE bug.

Maulkin just pointed me at Piet, which is a programming language based on geometric abstract art. If I wasn’t so damn busy for the next few days I’d be tempted to try and write something using it (‘Hello World’ has already been done). Any volunteers? 😛

Today’s lucky numbers are: 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0.

In the course of one of my contracts, I’ve been introduced to the Cyclone programming language – it’s basically purporting to be a safe version of C, with things like buffer overflows being a thing of the past. More here.

Wasn’t this one thing Java was meant to be, or am I missing something?

Update: I’ve found this article (PDF, sorry) which explains some of the differences. Not sure yet – OpenTV’s compiler was like this in the early days and it caused some interesting issues, although that compiled a ‘safe C’ to bytecode…

Having a large amount of duplicate Acorn 8-bit computer gear in my collection which I’d rather not eBay (given the hassle involved), I’ve decided to take out a stand at Wakefield RISC OS Computer Show on 19th May.

Some of the stuff I’ll be taking along for sale will include things I can’t use or don’t have interest in or time to do stuff with:

  • A variety of cheese wedges including teletext adaptors, a couple of 6502 copros, etc.
  • BBC Master 128s, BBC Micros, in varying states of configuration.
  • Lots of internal boards, SRAM boards, shadow RAM bits, etc.
  • Disk drives – there’s a few of these 5.25″ units.
  • Domesday LVROM player, which may work or not. It’s got the SCSI bits in tho – never had chance to get it sorted or even test it really.
  • Lots of books including Assembler tutorial books, writing BASIC, lots of stuff.
  • A pile of original Beeb software and boxed ROMs including instruction manuals.
  • The odd printer, CUB monitor, that sort of thing.
  • A few Electrons, Plus-blah expansions, and some old Archimedes units.

If there is the interest, I’ll drag along the Econet setup for people to play with a bit. There’s some BBS stuff there and a MUD or two.

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