What Jessie Did Next...

...being the inane ramblings of a mundane Yorkshire bird.

Category: Mediatainment (page 4 of 4)

Paramount confirmed late yesterday that Star Trek XI’s release date will be Christmas Day 2008, with JJ Abrams (he of the recent Mission Impossible 3 film, Lost and Alias) in the director’s chair.

Rumour redux: prequel (rumour reinforced by the spoiler poster) and no cast announced yet (but plenty of talk about Matt Damon doing Kirk and Adrien Brody as Spock).

I really hope they don’t fuck it up.

To continue with the inexplicable ‘speaking Klingon’ from Saturday night, I just found a page with translations of Christmas carols in Klingon.

Not sure about the validity in translation of “This is an order: let us wear clothes in order to celebrate” though…

Got a call from Nicky as I was leaving work to say that the Sky+ box (Pace PVR2) was stuck in standby, and a power-cycle wouldn’t fix it. Got home and after researching lots of webpages about it I eventually came upon the conclusion that the HD was shagged. Popped another few drives in there and it’s still doing the same thing, so I’m thinking it’s probably the decrypt stuff that’s gone (it successfully goes to a firmware update holding down ‘Back Up’ on poweron but times out, and also won’t do a total reset/housekeeping on the drive).

Anyway, I’ve nabbed another Pace from eBay, a PVR3 in this case, and we’ll see what that brings. I’ll also haul down the spare old Amstrad Sky box from the loft – it should work with the Sky+ card as it stands to get the FTA channels.

Jane Wyatt, who played Spock’s mother Amanda on the original series and in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, died Friday at age 96 in her home in Los Angeles.

There’s a Trek-oriented obituary on here on TrekToday.

Oh dear God, no!

“CBBC is developing a spin-off series from Doctor Who based on the adventures of investigative journalist Sarah Jane, played by Elisabeth Sladen, and to be written by Russell T Davies.

Sladen, who originally played the Doctor’s assistant in 1973, returned for the last series where she was seen vying with young Rose Tyler for the Doctor’s affections”.

This is going to be a remake of K9 And Company, isn’t it…

Rumours abound of another Ghostbusters movie once more, without Bill Murray – but with Ben Stiller, whom I bloody despise: the only good Ben Stiller film I’ve seen is Mystery Men, and that’s ‘cos the supporting cast blew him away totally.

Rumoured release date of 2008. Given the mess Akroyd made of Ghostbusters II and Blues Brothers 2000, I’m not holding out much hope.

Shane Richie and Vinnie Jones are starring in a new Carry On movie called Carry On London.

There truly is no God.

TrekToday is linking to a Variety article (I’d link it direct but it’s got mad subscription foo), which reckons that J.J. Abrams will co-write, produce and direct the eleventh Star Trek film, set for release in 2008. And here’s the biggie: it’s going to be a prequel.

Now, this has been mooted for a long time (even way back when Harve Bennett was doing Trek 6) and we had a big discussion on whether Fred Savage would play a young Kirk. Seems to me that he’s the right age now 🙂

But come on chaps, a prequel… that’s just bandwagon-jumping (and I can’t help thinking of Spy Kids).

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