What Jessie Did Next...

...being the inane ramblings of a mundane Yorkshire bird.

Many, many years ago – well, 1987ish – I discovered this programme on Channel 4 called The Orchestra, which consisted of a story told in mime and slapstick centered around a conductor called Julian Joy-Chagrin. The programme was prone to being shifted in favour of cricket, football, racing, well pretty much anything, so I ended up only seeing two or three episodes.

Since then, I have been on the search for copies of the programme. Tonight I was pottering around a few torrent sites when I thought I’d have a look (finding nothing as usual), but one thing led to another and I googled to see if I could find a DVD. Imagine my utter surprise and delight when I found Greg Donner’s website complete with downloads of all 10 episodes! Hurrah – but go easy on his bandwidth (for VHS rips they really aren’t bad quality either).

It is quite hard to find anything online about this show, so it’s a real find to not just get episode lists, but the episodes themselves.

(btw – in case you were wondering, the copyright on this is probably something of a murky area – the company owning the rights wents titsup and under Israeli law it’s got very confused!)


  1. I couldn’t find any download episodes whatsoever! So where can I find them? I am a truly fan, and all episodes were aired here in Portugal in the 90’s.

  2. It looks like Greg Donner’s site has removed the episode viewer, but does hint at an ‘official’ DVD release. I didn’t have copies of the episodes I’m afraid!

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